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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - bet


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Перевод с английского языка bet на русский

1. пари even bet —- пари с равными шансами a bet to win, place or show —- тройное пари (на скачках); ставка на первую, вторую и третью лошадь to make a bet —- заключать пари to lose a bet —- проиграть пари 2. ставка, условие (в пари) 3. человек, команда, предмет, по поводу которых заключается пари this team is a good bet —- эта команда безусловно выиграет 4. выбор, вариант taking the short cut home is your safest bet —- самое правильное решение - пойти домой кратчайшим путем the best bet on a rainy day is to remain indoors —- в дождливый день лучше всего сидеть дома 5. твердое убеждение, уверенность my bet is that... —- я уверен в том, что... 6. держать бари, биться об заклад to bet on —- держать пари за he bet five pounds on the horse —- он поставил пять фунтов на эту лошадь I'll bet against your winning —- держу пари, что вы проиграете he bet me a pound I would not do it —- он поспорил со мной на фунт, что я не сделаю этого to bet across the board —- заключать тройное пари (на скачках); делать ставку на первую, вторую и третью лошадь to bet each way —- заключать двойное пари; делать ставку на первую и вторую лошадь 7. быть уверенным в чем-л I bet you are wrong —- я убежден, что вы неправы Id: you bet ! —- ам. будьте уверены!; конечно!; еще бы! Id: to bet one's bottom dollar on smth. —- быть абсолютно уверенным в чем-л; дать голову на отсечение
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  on быть абсолютно уверенным в чём-л. You cant bet on the weather in England. I think its safe, but dont bet on it. Dont bet on getting file job. We darent bet on the train arriving on time. BET  1. noun  1) пари - even bet - make a bet - win a bet - lay a bet on  2) человек, предмет и т.п., по поводу которого заключается пари  3) ставка (в пари) - ones best bet  2. v. past and past part. bet, betted держать пари, биться об заклад to bet on (against) - держать пари за (против) Are you going to bet on the white horse? Ive bet all my money on "Apollo" in the third race. to bet with - держать пари с кем-л. I wont bet with that man, hes dishonest. - bet on you bet! - конечно!; еще бы!; будьте уверены! to bet ones shirt - рисковать всем Ill bet my life/my bottom dollar/a cookie/my boots/my hat - даю голову на отсечение Syn: see venture ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. & n. --v. (betting; past and past part. bet or betted) 1 intr. (foll. by on or against with ref. to the outcome) risk a sum of money etc. against another's on the basis of the outcome of an unpredictable event (esp. the result of a race, game, etc., or the outcome in a game of chance). 2 tr. risk (an amount) on such an outcome or result (bet {pound}10 on a horse). 3 tr. risk a sum of money against (a person). 4 tr. colloq. feel sure (bet they've forgotten it). --n. 1 the act of betting (make a bet). 2 the money etc. staked (put a bet on). 3 colloq. an opinion, esp. a quickly formed or spontaneous one (my bet is that he won't come). 4 colloq. a choice or course of action (she's our best bet). Phrases and idioms you bet you may be sure. Etymology: 16th c.: perh. a shortened form of ABET ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1592  1.  a. something that is laid, staked, or pledged typically ~ween two parties on the outcome of a contest or a contingent issue ; wager — often used figuratively in such phrases as all ~s are off to stress the uncertainty of an outcome  b. the act of giving such a pledge  2. something to wager on  3. a choice made by consideration of probabilities your best ~ is the back road  II. verb  (~; also ~ted; ~ting)  Date: 1597  transitive verb  1.  a. to stake on the outcome of an issue or the performance of a contestant  b. to be able to be sure that — usually used in the expression you ~ you ~ I'll be there  2.  a. to maintain with or as if with a ~  b. to make a ~ with  c. to make a ~ on  intransitive verb to lay a ~  III. abbreviation ~ween ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bets, betting) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. Note: The form 'bet' is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. 1. If you bet on the result of a horse race, football game, or other event, you give someone a sum of money which they give you back with extra money if the result is what you predicted, or which they keep if it is not. Jockeys are forbidden to bet on the outcome of races... I bet ?10 on a horse called Premonition... He bet them 500 pounds they would lose. VERB: V on n, V amount on n, V n amount that • Bet is also a noun. Do you always have a bet on the Grand National? N-COUNT • betting ...his thousand-pound fine for illegal betting. ...betting shops. N-UNCOUNT 2. A bet is a sum of money which you give to someone when you bet. You can put a bet on almost anything these days. N-COUNT 3. If someone is betting that something will happen, they are hoping or expecting that it will happen. (JOURNALISM) The party is betting that the presidential race will turn into a battle for younger voters... People were betting on a further easing of credit conditions. VERB: only cont, V that, V on n 4. see also betting 5. You use expressions such as ‘I bet’, ‘I’ll bet’, and ‘you can bet’ to indicate that you are sure something is true. (INFORMAL) I bet you were good at games when you were at school... I’ll bet they’ll taste out of this world... PHRASE 6. If you tell someone that something is a good bet, you are suggesting that it is the thing or course of action that they should choose. (INFORMAL) Your best bet is to choose a guest house. PHRASE 7. If you say that it is a good bet or a safe bet that something is true or will happen, you are saying that it is extremely likely to be true or to happen. (INFORMAL) It is a safe bet that the current owners will not sell. PHRASE: usu it v-link PHR that 8. If you hedge your bets, you follow two courses of action to avoid making a decision...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 past tense and past participle bet or betted present participle betting v 1 to risk money on the result of a race, game, competition, or other future event  (bet (sb) that)  (Sean bet that I wouldn't pass my exam. | bet (sth) on)  (She bet all her money on a horse that came last. | No, I don't bet on my own team. It's bad luck.) 2 I bet a) used to say that you are fairly sure that something is true, something is happening etc, although you cannot prove this  (I bet Nigel's sitting at home now laughing his head off. | I bet it's quite good actually. | I bet you she won't come.) b) used to show that you understand or can imagine the situation that someone has just told you about  ("The strawberries dipped in chocolate were gorgeous." "I bet!" | "God, I was so angry." "I bet you were.") c) used when you are asking someone to guess something  (I bet you'll never guess who I saw this morning.) d) used to show that you do not believe what someone has just told you  ("I'm definitely going to give up smoking this time." "Yeah, I bet!") 3 you bet! used to emphasize that you agree with someone or are keen to do what they suggest  ("Going to the party on Saturday?" " You bet!") 4 you can bet your life/your bottom dollar used when you are sure that you know what someone will do or what will happen  (You can bet your bottom dollar that relationship will end in tears.) ~2 n 1 an agreement to risk money on the result of a race, game, competition etc  (have a bet on)  (Mom had a bet on the Yankees and won $20. | place a bet (=choose a horse, team etc and bet on it)) 2 money that you risk on a bet  (I've got a $10 bet on the National.) 3 your best bet spoken used when advising someone of what to do  (I think your best bet would be to go back to college and get more qualifications.) 4 spoken used when saying what you expect to happen in the future  (My bet is that she'll be famous in a few years' time.) 5 a good bet/a safe bet an action or situation that is likely to be successful or does not involve much risk  (If you're looking for...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  airport code Bethel, Alaska USA mathem. abbr. Basic Element Template electron. abbr. Brunauer, Emmett, Teller food abbr. Bagels Equal Tasty food abbr. Bacon Eggs And Tomato food abbr. Bacon Egg And Toast funny abbr. Buddy Entertainment Television funny abbr. Black Exploitation Television funny abbr. Bullshyt Entertainment Televeision media abbr. Badly Edited Television media abbr. Black Entertainment Television network media abbr. Black Entertainment Television gen. bus. abbr. Building Effective Teamwork firm name abbr. Brunauer Emmett And Teller chat abbr. Big Every Time ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1592, probably aphetic of abet, or from beet "to make good," from O.E. bжtan "make better, arouse, stimulate," from P.Gmc. *baitjanan. First surfaced in argot of petty criminals. The original notion is perhaps to "improve" a contest by wagering on it. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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